Fact Check What Did the Dnc Do to Make It So Sanders Can Never Run on the Democratic Ticket Again


FACT Check: Sanders says U.S. has more than people in jail than China because of drug-related incarceration

CLAIM: U.Southward. has more people incarcerated than any country, including Communist china
Sanders: "We have a criminal justice system today that is non only broken, information technology is racist, got more people in jail than any other country earth, including Red china.

 "One of the reasons for that is a horrific war on drugs. So, I do believe that on day one we volition alter the Federal Controlled Substance Act, which if y'all tin believe it, at present equates heroin with marijuana. That'south insane. We are going to accept marijuana out of that and effectively legalize marijuana in every state in the country.

 What we as well are going to do is move to expunge the records of those people arrested for possession of marijuana, and I'll tell you what else nosotros are going to exercise.  We are going to provide assist to the African-American Latino Native American community kickoff businesses to sell legal marijuana rather than let a few corporations command the legalized marijuana market."

FACT Cheque: Partly true, partly not provable.

Marijuana and heroin: Both heroin and marijuana are considered Schedule I controlled substances by the DEA, pregnant that they are currently accustomed for medical use and have a high potential for abuse.

 The Drug Policy Alliance reports that in 2018, 663,367 people were arrested for a marijuana law violation. And 46.nine% of those arrested for drug law violations were Blackness or Latino, although they only brand up 31.five% of the U.South. population.

China incarceration: There is no way to be certain near the veracity of this claim. The Prison house Policy Initiative did a study, which found that 70% of convictions result in solitude — far more than other developed nations with comparable crime rates. It also found that the U.S. incarceration rate is virtually six times higher than the next NATO country, the U.Grand.

 The World Prison Brief establish that the U.S. does have more inmates than Red china, which reportedly has one.65 million inmates, plus unknown numbers in pre-trial detention and other forms of detention, based on information available from September 2018.

Clare Hymes


FACT CHECK: Biden says Obama admin asked McConnell to bring together it in pointing out Russian meddling in 2016 ballot. He said no.

CLAIM: Joe Biden said the Obama administration asked Mitch McConnell to join them in pointing out Russian meddling in the 2016 election. McConnell said no.

Biden: "This homo (Trump) stood before the whole world, turned to the Russian leader and said, 'Why in God's name would this man e'er interfere in our election?' Give me a intermission. Seventeen intelligence agents said he did. When nosotros got the information, we went to the committee in the Senate that's responsible for knowing these issues and dealing with them. Nosotros went to Mitch McConnell and said join us and point out what is happening here. He said "No, nosotros want no part in it."


In September of 2016, the Washington Post reported, Obama assistants officials presented Congress with intelligence that showed Russian federation'south function in cyber-intrusions in at least two states and in hacking Democratic National Committee emails. And they argued for a united bipartisan forepart against the threat posed by Russia's meddling in the U.South. presidential election.

 The Post reported that the assistants debated for months virtually how to respond to the declared Russian hacking, worried both virtually escalating tensions with Russia and about existence accused of trying to unfairly help Hillary Clinton'southward campaign.

 McConnell raised doubts about the underlying intelligence and over again in December 2016, according to the Post, and later on the election, when the CIA briefed members of Congress of their assessment that Russia had intervened in the election to help Mr.  Trump win the presidency, more than just to undermine confidence in the U.Southward. electoral organization. The Senate majority leader told the administration he'd view whatever effort by the White House to claiming the Russians publicly as an human activity of partisan politics.

 —Shani Benezra


FACT CHECK: Sanders claims Obama said Cuba had made progress on education

Sanders defends his by comments on authoritarian governments 02:44

CLAIM:  Sanders defended his comments on Fidel Castro past claiming that President Barack Obama best-selling Cuba's progress on didactics.
SANDERS: "What Barack Obama said is they made cracking progress on instruction and wellness care.  That was Barack Obama."

FACT CHECK: Half true.

Bernie Sanders was attacked by rivals for his comments on "hr" defending the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. On "hour," he said, "Yous know? When Fidel Castro came into role, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy programme. Is that a bad matter? Even though Fidel Castro did it?"

 During the debate, he said President Obama, too, had praised Cuba'due south "bully progress on teaching and wellness care." Mr. Obama, as he sought to reset of relations with the country, did admit progress Cuba had fabricated on teaching.

 But he did not directly credit Castro for the improvement, as Sanders had. In remarks at a joint press briefing in Havana in 2016, Mr. Obama said, "The Usa recognizes progress that Cuba has fabricated as a nation, its enormous achievements in instruction and in health care."

Merits: Biden said President Obama "did not in whatsoever mode suggest that there was anything positive nigh the Cuban government."

FACT Bank check: Faux.

At the same news conference in Havana, Mr. Obama said, "The United States recognizes progress that Cuba has made as a nation, its enormous achievements in teaching and in wellness care."

 He did proceed to say, "At the same time, as nosotros do wherever we go effectually the globe, I made it clear that the U.s. will continue to speak up on behalf of democracy, including the correct of the Cuban people to decide their ain hereafter."

Eleanor Watson


FACT Check: Bloomberg says Trump fired pandemics specialist 2 years ago and cut the CDC

Candidates discuss coronavirus outbreak and containment 04:09

CLAIM:  Bloomberg says President Trump fired the U.S. pandemics specialist and cut the CDC.

"You read nigh the virus. What's really happening here, the president fired the pandemic specialists in this country two years ago, so there's nobody hither to figure out what the hell we should be doing. And he'due south defunded Centers for Affliction Command, CDC, so we don't have the organization we need."

FACT Cheque: True

 On the pandemics specialist — according to the Washington Mail service, "The acme White Business firm official responsible for leading the U.Southward. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization past national security adviser John Bolton."

 On CDC funding: President Trump has consistently requested funding decreases for the CDC in his annual budget requests, for 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021.

 His most contempo budget would cut CDC funding by nine% overall, the New York Times noted, though Congress may appropriate more than what the president proposes.

Rob Legare


FACT CHECK: Biden'south role in stopping Ebola from spreading in the U.S.

CLAIM: Biden says he was function of ensuring Ebola pandemic didn't achieve U.Southward. during Obama assistants.
BIDEN: "What we did with Ebola — I was part of making sure that pandemic did not get to the United States, saved millions of lives. And what we did. We gear up. I helped set that function in the presidency.. The president'south office on diseases that are pandemic diseases. We increased the budget of the CDC. Nosotros increased the NIH upkeep. The president today has wiped all that out. We did it. We stopped it."

FACT CHECK: More often than not Truthful

 It is accurate that in 2018, officials at the National Security Council who were leading the response to pandemics left the administration. Rear Admiral Timothy Ziemer left in May of 2018. Information technology was role of an NSC reorganization led by then-national security adviser John Bolton during the Trump administration.

 Biden said he led the Obama assistants's response to the Ebola outbreak. The president appointed Ron Klain to coordinate the U.S. Ebola response. Klain had been Biden's Chief of Staff – so it is at least partially true that Biden was involved.

 President Trump's budgets take called for CDC and FDA reductions. This year's budget request calls for a 9% cut.

 In May of 2017, the former manager of the CDC tweeted about the dangers of the proposed cuts, proposed to be 17%.

 "Proposed CDC budget: dangerous at any level of enactment. Would increase illness, expiry, risks to Americans, and wellness care costs," Dr. Tom Frieden tweeted in May 2017.

Andy Triay


FACT Check: Did Biden "vanquish the NRA twice?"

CLAIM: Biden says he "beat the NRA twice."

BIDEN Merits: I beat the NRA twice. I got assault weapons banned. I got magazines that could not concord more than 10 rounds in them, and got them eliminated, except nosotros had a thing called an ballot with hanging chads in Florida and it was not reauthorized. In addition to that, I passed the Brady Bill with waiting periods. I led that fight.

FACT Check: More often than not True

Biden points to the Brady Bill and its background checks provision, as well as his efforts to get the 1994 Assail Weapons Ban passed and signed into law to illustrate how he "beat the NRA twice."

On the Brady beak, Biden did sponsor the Senate legislation that changed the waiting period for groundwork checks from 7 to five days. While that measure didn't pass the Senate, the concluding version that reinstated the five-day waiting menstruation while installing an instant background bank check system was passed into law on Nov. 30, 1993.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Biden and Senator Diane Feinstein led the manner on the assault weapons ban. Feinstein sponsored the 1994 bill in the Senate, and information technology was signed into constabulary past President Bill Clinton as part of the Vehement Offense Control and Law Enforcement Human action of 1994. The 10-twelvemonth ban restricted the industry, transfer, and possession of certain semiautomatic assault weapons and large chapters ammunition feeding devices, but it merely applied to weapons manufactured after the engagement of the ban'southward enactment. It also banned high-chapters magazines capable of belongings more than 10 bullets. Biden "fought difficult to extend" the ban in 2004, but Congress did not reauthorize the ban, and then it expired that year. The ban had loopholes, however, as the Washington Postal service pointed out. Gun companies were ofttimes able to become around banned gun elements by making slight modifications to weapons.

Shani Benezra


FACT Cheque: Does it toll $500 billion to administer private health insurance plans?

Merits :  Sanders: What we need to practice is to do what every other major state on globe does, guarantee health care to all people, non have thousands of separate insurance plans which are costing us some $500 billion a year to administer.

FACT Check:   Partly True, co-ordinate to 2017 studies by The Lancet and the Register of Internal Medicine, just the total of $500 billion under Medicare for All saved seems generous. The two estimates noted hither estimate savings of $220 billion or $450 billion.

From The Lancet:   "Although wellness intendance expenditure per capita is higher in the U.s.a. than in any other state, more than than 37 1000000 Americans practise not have wellness insurance, and 41 million more than take inadequate access to care. Efforts are ongoing to repeal the Affordable Care Human activity which would exacerbate health-care inequities. Past dissimilarity, a universal system, such as that proposed in the Medicare for All Act, has the potential to transform the availability and efficiency of American health-care services. Taking into account both the costs of coverage expansion and the savings that would be accomplished through the Medicare for All Human activity, we calculate that a single-payer, universal health-intendance system is probable to lead to a 13% savings in national health-care expenditure, equivalent to more than than U.S. $450 billion annually (based on the value of the U.s.a.$ in 2017).

The entire system could be funded with less financial outlay than is incurred by employers and households paying for wellness-care premiums combined with existing regime allocations. This shift to single-payer wellness care would provide the greatest relief to lower-income households.

 From the Annals of Internal Medicine:   "The economic case for single-payer reform is compelling. Private insurers' overhead currently averages 12.4% versus 2.two% in traditional Medicare (2). Reducing overhead to Medicare's level would save approximately $220 billion this year"

 — Maggie Dore


FACT CHECK: Has Bloomberg supported GOP candidates?

Elizabeth Warren goes afterward Bloomberg'due south record of funding GOP Senate campaigns 01:42

Claim: Elizabeth Warren says Bloomberg has supported Republicans.

"I mean that Mayor Bloomberg — let'south remember of it this manner — nosotros're here in Charleston and you know who is going to be in Charleston afterwards this week, is Donald Trump. He's going to exist here to raise money for his buddy Senator Lindsey Graham. Who funded Lindsey Graham's campaign for re-election terminal fourth dimension- it was Mayor Bloomberg. And that's not the but right-wing Senator Mayor Bloomberg has funded.

In 2016, he dumped $12 1000000 into the Pennsylvania Senate race to help re-elect an anti-choice right-fly Republican senator and I just want to say, the adult female challenger was terrific. She lost past a unmarried indicate.

In 2012 he scooped in to try to defend another Republican senator against a women challenger —  that was me. Information technology didn't work, but he tried difficult."

FACT Bank check: Truthful

According to the FEC, Bloomberg gave $250,000 to West Chief Street Values Pac Inc on May 24, 2014. West Main Street Values Pac supported Lindsey Graham in 2014.

 The New York Times noted that in 2012, Bloomberg "agreed to host a fund-raiser at his Upper East Side town house for the re-election campaign of Senator Scott P. Brown, a Republican, who is being challenged by a peppery consumer advocate, Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat who is also a professor at Harvard Law School."

 FEC information says that Bloomberg and Independence USA PAC spent at least $5,911,092.98 in support of Republican Senator Pat Toomey. Toomey beat Democrat Katie McGinty by 1.five% in 2016. At that place are also reports of ad buys in the Pennsylvania race, just cannot all the same find how much the PAC spent on those ads.

Rob Legare


FACT Check: Is Buttigieg'southward entrada funded by billionaires?

CLAIM: Sanders has criticized Buttigieg for having a campaign funded by billionaires.

SANDERS' Merits:. "Pete has gotten funding from over l billionaires."

BUTTIGIEG'Southward CLAIM: Something that is untrue almost my campaign, the thought that my campaign is funded by billionaires.

SANDERS: I didn't say that Pete.

BUTTIGIEG: "50 people, all right, in Charleston lonely, just in Charleston, over 2,000 people accept contributed to my campaign. That ways the dollars that take come up to my campaign just from Charleston is more than the dollars that have come up from the l people that yous mention."

FACT CHECK: Sanders: Slightly exaggerated. Buttigieg has twoscore billionaires supporting him.

Buttigieg: Mostly true (not enough information available for part of check).

 Information technology is unclear whether the 2,000 individual donations from voters in Charleston have contributed more than the billionaires mentioned by Buttigieg tonight. A Forbes analysis plant that in that location are 40 billionaires supporting Buttigieg, not l. Xiii of those donors have given exclusively to Buttigieg.

 Co-ordinate to Open Secrets, Buttigieg has raised a total of $81,490,817. Numbers released earlier this calendar month past his campaign testify he raised $6 million in the beginning month of this year, and an additional $eleven meg so far this calendar month. Earlier this month, he appear forty,000 donors and $4 million raised since the Iowa caucuses.

According to OpenSecrets.org, Buttigieg has received over $46 million in big contributions, meaning over $200 – making up 56.5% of his donations. Smaller contributions, less than $200, 43.39% of his fundraising – total well-nigh $36 million.

 The Washington Mail service offers this handy comparison of the candidates' decidedly non-billionaire  January pocket-sized-dollar fundraising (share of total raised in Jan that came from donors giving lower than $200):

  • Sanders: 53%
  • Warren: 48%
  • Klobuchar: 44%
  • Gabbard: 39%
  • Biden: 35%
  • Buttigieg: 29%

Clare Hymes


FACT Check: Sanders voted against Brady Bill five times

CBS News Democratic debate — Charleston, South Carolina
Democratic presidential hopefuls Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (50) and former Vice President Joe Biden participate in the tenth Democratic principal debate of the 2020 presidential campaign season co-hosted by CBS News and the Congressional Black Caucus Establish at the Gaillard Centre in Charleston, Southward Carolina, on Feb 25, 2020. Getty

Claim : Biden : "We talk about progressive, let'due south talk about beingness progressive. Inside walking distance to here is Mother Emanuel church. Nine people shot dead past a white supremacist. Bernie voted five times against the Brady Bill. And waited — a waiting period of 12 hours. I'yard not proverb he's responsible for the nine deaths but that man would not have been able to get that weapon with the waiting period would accept been what I suggested until you are cleared."


DETAILS: Sanders did vote against certain provisions in the the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, or the "Brady Bill" while in the House and against the final version in November 1993. Politifact has a breakdown of his voting tape from when Hillary Clinton made the same accusation.

 According to Politifact, Sanders voted against the Brady bill in May 1991, Nov 1991, November 1993 twice in the same day, and against the final version later signed into law in 1993. He did support an instant groundwork check subpoena, all the same, and he voted against an subpoena to cease land waiting periods, Politifact noted.

 —Shani Benezra


FACT Cheque: Bloomberg's record on "stop-and-frisk"

Michael Bloomberg defends record on race 01:26

Bloomberg: "Nosotros let information technology go out of command, and when I realized that, I cut information technology back by 95%. And I've apologized and asked for forgiveness. I've met with black leaders to endeavour to get an agreement of how I can better position myself and what I should have done and what I should do adjacent time."


The New York stop and frisk plan pre-dates Michael Bloomberg's time in office. But as mayor of New York, he saw the number of finish and frisk stops rise – a federal estimate eventually ordered end and frisk to be scaled back, and Bloomberg appealed the ruling simply also oversaw a refuse in numbers.

 He was mayor of New York between 2002 and 2013. According to court documents, the New York City Police Department ("NYPD") made 4.four 1000000 stops between January 2004 and June 2012. Over 80% of these four.4 million stops were of blacks or Hispanics.

 The number of stops per yr rose sharply from 314,000 in 2004 to a high of 686,000 in 2011. A federal guess ordered the practice scaled back in 2013 and according to the New York Ceremonious Liberties Union, in 2013, there were fewer — some 192,000 stops.
 Andy Triay


FACT Bank check: Was Warren fired from a instruction job considering she was pregnant?

Merits: Warren: "When I was 21 years old I got my offset task every bit a special educational activity teacher. I loved that task. And at the end of the first yr I was visibly significant. The principle wished me luck and gave my job to someone else. Pregnancy bigotry? Yous bet. But I was 21 years old, I didn't have a marriage to protect me and I didn't have any federal constabulary on my side. So I packed my stuff and I went home."

FACT CHECK: Mostly True.

 On the entrada trail, Elizabeth Warren often tells the story of how she was fired from her starting time teaching chore in 1971 because she was meaning. She has received criticism.

In an exclusive interview with CBS News in October, Warren said she stands by her characterizations of why she left the job.

"All I know is I was 22 years onetime, I was 6 months meaning, and the job that I had been promised for the next year was going to someone else. The principal said they were going to hire someone else for my job," she said.

The "showed me the door" chestnut came up oft on the campaign trail until recently. And at present some outlets have found a 2007 interview Warren gave in which she presents the story in a different light.

In an interview that year at the Academy of California, Berkeley, Warren gave the first known public business relationship of her time at Riverdale.

"I worked in a public school arrangement with the children with disabilities. I did that for a year, and and so that summer I didn't have the teaching courses, then I was on an 'emergency certificate,' it was called," Warren said in 2007. "I went back to graduate school and took a couple of courses in teaching and said, 'I don't think this is going to work out for me.' I was pregnant with my offset baby, so I had a baby and stayed home for a couple of years."

Asked by CBS News why she told the story differently at Berkeley a decade ago, Warren said her life since her election to the Senate in 2012 caused her to "open up upward" almost her past. "After becoming a public effigy I opened up more well-nigh different pieces in my life and this was 1 of them. I wrote about it in my volume when I became a U.Due south. Senator," she said in a statement from her campaign.

Ellee Watson and Zak Hudak


FACT CHECK: Did Sanders desire to principal Obama?

CLAIM: Biden: "Being progressive, he (Sanders) idea Barack Obama — he wanted to primary — he wanted to principal Barack Obama."

FACT Check: Partly true. Sanders thought it would be a "good idea" for Mr. Obama to be primaried, but he did not plan to challenge Mr. Obama himself.

Sanders did bring upwardly the possibility of a main challenge to President Obama on the Thom Hartmann radio show on July 22, 2011, simply he did non say that he himself would run.

"And so my suggestion is, I think 1 of the reasons the president has been able to move then far to the right is that there is no chief opposition to him," Sanders said, "and I think it would do this country a good deal of service if people started thinking about candidates out at that place to brainstorm contrasting what is a progressive agenda as opposed to what Obama is doing…Discouragement is non an choice. I think information technology would exist a good idea if President Obama faced some primary opposition."

The idea was mentioned again in a recent article in  The Atlantic, and Sanders was asked about the story at a February 24, 2020 CNN Town Hall. Here'due south that exchange:

CUOMO: ..."The Atlantic" had the reporting. They published an initial report that said then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had to talk yous into it.
SANDERS: No, non true at all. And call upwardly Harry, and he will deny that. There's another one that involved Senator Leahy. He will deny it, besides. Simply wasn't true.

I did not requite any consideration — you know, I'one thousand the senator from a small-scale state. And I did not give whatsoever consideration to running for president of the United States until 2015. And that was — I was looking around and I thought that the working families of this country needed a progressive voice.

And the truth is, as y'all will recall, Chris, there was a lot of discussion almost Elizabeth Warren running for president. And I waited. And Senator Warren said, no, she'south not going to run. I did run. But the idea of running in 2012, absolutely untrue.
 Maggie Dore


Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/democratic-debate-south-carolina-fact-check/

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